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Liaoning Qianfeng Steel Plastic Pipe Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

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Performance requirements of plastic-coated composite steel pipe

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Performance requirements of plastic-coated composite steel pipe

Date of release:2018-05-31 Author: Click:

1. Coating adhesion: polyethylene plastic coating adhesion ≥ 30N/cm, epoxy resin coating adhesion is 1-3.

2. Bending performance: The steel-plastic pipe with a nominal diameter of not more than 50mm is bent, no cracks will occur after bending, and no delamination will occur between the steel and the inner and outer plastic layers.

3. Flattening performance: The steel-plastic pipe with a nominal diameter greater than 50mm and no more than 600mm will be flattened. After flattening, cracks will not occur, and there will be no delamination between the steel and the inner and outer plastic layers.

4. Hygiene requirements: The inner plastic layer of steel-plastic pipes that transport drinking water, cold and hot water should meet the requirements of GB/T 17219.

5. Coated plastic layer pinhole test: Use an electric spark detector to inspect the entire inner and outer surfaces of the steel-plastic pipe provided for the test. There should be no sparks during the test.

6. Fire resistance test: The fire-fighting steel-plastic pipe should be able to withstand the fire resistance test for 15 minutes, and there should be no leakage or deformation damage after the test.


The address of this article:http://m.qcti.cn/en/news/378.html

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