
Hello, welcome to visit the official website of Liaoning Qianfeng Steel Plastic Pipe Manufacturing Co., Ltd.!


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Liaoning Qianfeng Steel Plastic Pipe Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Address: Dawa Lingang Economic Zone, Panjin City

Website: m.qcti.cn

Sales of a company

General Manager: Zhao Lei 18241448558

Sales Minister: Liu Wenli 18841483313

Sales Second Company

General Manager: Zhao Shuxiu 13188225517

Sales Minister: Pei Xiaojun 13804148185

Sales three companies and foreign trade

General Manager: Dai Gang 13604976693

Sales Minister: Chen Liming 18524274505

Sales four companies

General Manager: Chen Tieyan 18341472200

Sales Director: Meng Lin 19904144892


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